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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri


The nation’s debt has surpassed a staggering $17 trillion. This deficit is a result of irresponsible spending in Washington and tax increases are not the solution. We need to control our spending and create a budget that reflects our means just as taxpayers do in their own families. I pledge to vote against tax increases and I am proud to have signed the Americans for Tax Reform Pledge. I am dedicated to creating responsible spending an reducing taxpayer burdens. 

More on Taxes

Dec 17, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Smith voted to keep a $622 billion tax increase from hitting American families. One of the most important provisions for farmers and small business owners in the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act is providing tax relief for equipment and property purchases through Section 179 of the tax code. The PATH Act would make permanent Section 179 expensing, allowing for an immediate deduction on equipment purchases for farmers and small business owners.

Dec 17, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Smith voted to keep a $622 billion tax increase from hitting American families. One of the provisions in the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act is Congressman Smith’s initiative, H.R. 3409 the Tax Relief for Working Students Act, to make college more affordable for students.

Oct 30, 2015 Page

Dear Friend,

Oct 30, 2015 Weekly Capitol Report

Since you sent me to Washington, I have looked carefully at each piece of legislation that was brought for a vote. Each time, I look at how it would impact the hardworking folks of southeast and southern Missouri. Next, I look to see if the legislation was crafted fairly, and if it upholds the traditions and values of our area. Given the rushed non-transparent process around this week's budget bill, I wasn't surprised when I opened page one and found a bad deal for hardworking taxpayers and farmers. The only reasonable option was to vote no.

Oct 2, 2015 Page

Dear Friend,

Oct 2, 2015 Weekly Capitol Report

The United States House of Representatives is charged by the Constitution with funding our government. Time after time we are faced with maintaining the status quo or using the power of the purse to reflect America’s priorities. Funding government programs should be done in a specific, targeted way that respects the will of the American people.

Jun 5, 2015 Weekly Capitol Report

In 2014, members of the House Ways and Means Committee sent a letter to the Department of Justice calling for the criminal prosecution of former Internal Revenue Service Director of the Exempt Organizations Division Lois Lerner. Instead, the IRS worker who used her position to abuse conservative organizations was awarded bonuses of $129,000 and given a pension, all while in contempt of Congress. Taxpayers, of course, footed the bill.

Apr 27, 2015 Weekly Capitol Report

Tax day has come and gone for most, but some taxpayers are still trying to get their returns straight. This year, there has been an astronomical uptick in identity theft used for fraudulent tax returns. When some law-abiding citizens filed their tax returns, they discovered a thief had already used their social security number to file a return. That leaves the taxpayer with months of frustrating calls and letters to the IRS to get it straight. This week I took action to prevent this abuse on hardworking taxpayers.

Apr 17, 2015 Weekly Capitol Report

This week, I voted to repeal the death tax and help put the American Dream back within reach for family farmers across southeast and southern Missouri. Since I was first elected to Congress, I have worked to get a vote on repealing the death tax for family farmers, including cosponsoring this important piece of legislation. Across our area, farmers worry that the death tax will keep them from passing the family farm down to their children. A full repeal of the death tax would alleviate this worry and encourage the kind of entrepreneurship America was built on.

Jan 21, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jason Smith issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight I hoped we would hear the president set a strategy to work with the House and Senate. Instead, we heard more of how the president wants to go at it alone – not exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind when it came to law-making.