While our friends in Israel simply wish to live in peace and security, the ever-present specter of violence can turn daily life in Israel upside-down in an instant. The series of stabbings and shootings of Israelis in the past few days and weeks is hate-fueled terror, plain and simple. There is zero justification for these terror attacks and seeking to rationalize them by delegitimizing Israel amounts to tone-deaf victim blaming.

Israeli mothers shouldn’t have to fear sending their kids off to school. Israeli workers shouldn’t have to fear standing at a bus stop. Israeli children and visitors should be free to feel safe while walking through Jerusalem’s Old City. During this difficult time, it is particularly important that we step forward and stand by Israel as it works to restore safety and security for its people.

No nation would be expected to tolerate these indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and Israel should not be held to a double standard. Instead, responsible voices throughout the United States and in the international community – including in the media – must recognize these attacks for what they are: terrorism.