The Tenth Congressional District has many advantages but undoubtedly our greatest resource is the people. That’s what the Tenth District Leadership Awards is all about – recognizing the every day heroes that make our community an amazing place to live, work and raise children.

Do you know somebody who is truly deserving of recognition? Watch this video and then submit a nomination before October 28th!

The categories are:

The Entrepreneurial Excellence Award is given to a businessman or businesswoman who has demonstrated entrepreneurial excellence as part of a small business or start-up in our community that has succeeded in implanting innovative strategies to establish a thriving local business.

The Helping Heroes Award is given to a resident of the Tenth District who has answered the call to help America's heroes by bettering the lives of our veterans and their families. The nominee can be a veteran themselves or simply a dedicated community member.

The Exceptional Educator Award is given to a teacher at any level who has dedicated themself to helping our students achieve success in and out of the classroom. This individual will have effectively implemented innovative methods in their classroom and created a positive learning environment.

The Community Service Award is given to an individual who has positively impacted the welfare of our community through volunteerism. This individual will be committed to focusing on the needs of the region and enhancing the quality of life for members of our community.

The Young Leader Award is given to a young person who has demonstrated leadership and is an outstanding example to their peers. This individual will have proven their exceptional character in their school and/or local community. Their leadership experience can come through a variety of different experiences, including but not limited to: athletics, arts, science, clubs, volunteering and academics.

The Friend of the Environment Award is given to somebody who has worked diligently to keeping our air, water and habitat clean for future generations. This individual works to improve our environment and encourages others to join the cause.

The finalists will be announced on October 30th and you’ll be able to vote on our website, as well as on Facebook and Twitter.