Sep 28 2016

As the son of a schoolteacher and father of three children, ensuring a quality education for all students in our community is one of my top priorities. Read about just a few of the steps we've taken to increase opportunity through education:

Sep 21 2016

In 2008, a pack of two EpiPens cost around $100, but today, that same pack costs about $600. I am deeply concerned by drastic price increases throughout our healthcare system - and specifically for EpiPens.

Sep 16 2016

This week Congress took bipartisan action on a number of bills that I helped move forward to benefit 10th District families, strengthen our economy and serve our nation’s veterans. Watch this week's Week In Review video to hear more about these bills.

Sep 09 2016

On International Opioid Awareness Day, I visited Soft Landing Recovery in Highland Park to talk about how we can build on our success with Lali's Law to save more lives. There's no doubt that we need to increase resources to improve education, prevent overdoses and stem the flow of illegal drugs crossing the border.

Sep 08 2016

As a father of young daughters, the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses is absolutely terrifying. We need to do everything we can to stop sexual assault, and when it does occur, we need to create a culture that helps survivors instead of shaming them.

Sep 02 2016

Ensuring that the Chicago area remains a transportation hub for the entire country requires continued investment in local infrastructure. Last week, I met with local leaders to talk about how we can shorten commute times and help local businesses.

Aug 26 2016

As students return to school across our district, we’re focused on ensuring our children have the best education possible. As the son of a schoolteacher and the father of three children, ensuring a quality education for all students is a top priority of mine.

Aug 24 2016

As a small business owner myself, I know that our local businesses are truly the backbone of our economy. We need a business friendly environment that attracts good-paying jobs, supports the very best possible education system and makes life easier for the families in our community.