Press Release

Press Release

Victims of Iranian Terrorism Need Justice

This bill requires Iran to pay back the victims of their terrorism before they get a dime of sanctions relief from us.

Press Release

House to Help America’s Homebuyers

Owning a home has always been an important part of the American Dream, and government should never stop people from reaching that goal.

Press Release

We Can’t Stand Aside While Russia Undermines Our Interests

The U.S. should not stand by idly as Russia attempts to undermine our interests yet again. We need to stop reacting to Putin and start setting the agenda.

Press Release

No More Forcing States to Support Abortion

The House voted today to give states the power to exclude abortion providers from receiving Medicaid funding in their states.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on the Air: Washington Must Work for the People, Not Itself

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke on five major morning shows to discuss his conservative vision for America and making Washington listen to the American people.
