Press Release

Press Release

The Innovation Initiative Fulfills the Promise of the JOBS Act

These bills today are targeted fixes to restore the original spirit of the JOBS Act: To harness innovation and bring together millions of Americans with potential new businesses through crowdfunding.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on the FBI’s Investigation of Hillary Clinton

Secretary Clinton’s fundamental lack of judgment and wanton disregard for protecting and keeping information confidential raises continued questions about the exposure of our nation’s diplomatic…

Press Release

In the Face of Disaster, Our Community Will Rebuild

We continue to pray for those suffering from the loss of their businesses, their homes, their family, and their friends.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Announces Counterterrorism Legislation

The bill introduced today will provide more tools and resources to combat the spread of dangerous radical Islamist ideology and help our law enforcement agencies prevent future attacks on our soil.

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on Senate Democrats’ Obstruction of Zika Funding

Mosquitos aren’t waiting to spread the Zika virus until Democrats figure out how to best politically posture themselves.
