Press Release

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on End-of-Year Legislation

Because the House Republican Conference’s relentless focus, many conservative policies we have been working on all year will now become law.

Press Release

Tax Certainty Gives Americans the Stability Needed for Success

The House passed a bill to make many temporary tax provisions permanent and extend others for several more years. The bill also increases taxpayer protections to prevent the IRS from targeting…

Press Release

We Must Stem the Flow of Foreign Fighters

By receiving up-to-date information, Congress is better equipped to pass laws addressing loopholes that foreign fighters might exploit so we can keep America safe.

Press Release

The House Calls on White House to Put Forth Strategy to Combat Online Radicalization

This bill requires the President to put forth a comprehensive strategy to combat online radicalization and terrorist use of social media.

Press Release

The House Puts the People’s Priorities First on Trade

Free trade strengthens America and improves our standing and competitiveness in the world while also creating jobs in the U.S. But it has to be free trade done right.
