Press Release

Press Release

Every Child in Our Society Has a Place

Every Child in Our Society Has a Place

Every single child—born and unborn, the healthy and those with disabilities—should have a place in our society. I believe they are wanted, they are loved, and they make this world better.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy: The House is Making Sure We’re Protecting Our Country

House Majority Leader McCarthy spoke at a Republican leadership press conference on the Senate Democrats’ filibuster of TPA and the House’s national security agenda.

Press Release

McCarthy Introduces Legislation to Ensure American Leadership in Space

This legislation ensures that commercial spaceflight can continue to innovate, all the while generating high-quality American manufacturing jobs and leading the world into the next generation of…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy: The EPA Doesn’t Need Anymore Power, the People Do

The EPA has crossed a line with this proposed water rule. It’s crossed a line constitutionally, and it crossed a line by hurting people and threatening their livelihoods and private property.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on Democrats’ Trade Filibuster

The decision by Senate Democrats to block this bipartisan bill from moving forward is disappointing and a step backwards for our already beleaguered economic recovery.
