Press Release

Press Release

President Obama Should Repudiate Derogatory Remarks About Prime Minister Netanyahu

I am profoundly concerned about reports that senior Administration officials are attacking the character of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, America’s closest ally in the Middle East.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement Regarding Negotiations with Iran

Recent reports have suggested the Obama Administration believes it can negotiate a deal with Iran and provide significant sanctions relief to the Iranian regime without Congressional support. This…

Press Release

American Energy for American Prosperity

The bill the House passed today builds upon our great energy renaissance by allowing for increased production and distribution. It takes power away from unelected bureaucrats and puts power back in…

Press Release

The House is Focused on Improving the Economy

For the past six years, America has been stuck in the worst economic recovery since World War II. Hardworking Americans have been struggling with few jobs and low wages. But we have all the makings…

Press Release

We Stand With Ukraine

We Stand With Ukraine

This morning, a joint session of Congress had the honor of hosting the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. He spoke of Ukraine’s great struggle for freedom and the importance of American…
