Category Archives: Financial Markets and Institutions

Financial Regulatory Structure (podcast)

Over the past 150 years, the U.S. financial regulatory structure has evolved in response to various financial crises and to keep pace with financial markets themselves as they advanced from tickertape to e-trading and beyond. As you can see, the … Continue reading

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Ending “Too Big to Fail”

8 years ago this month, the Federal Reserve bailed out Bear Stearns, preventing it from collapsing. This triggered an unprecedented amount of federal assistance to help stabilize markets—more than $1 trillion in loans and hundreds of billions of dollars of … Continue reading

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A Seat in the Boardroom

Women’s history month is not only a time to celebrate women’s accomplishments, but also a time to reflect on their progress, particularly in positions of leadership. In honor of International Women’s Day, today’s WatchBlog examines the representation of women on … Continue reading

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Debt Limit 101

Congress has voted to suspend the debt limit through March 15, 2017. But how could future lawmakers address this issue in order to save the federal government money and avoid future disruptions? Today’s WatchBlog examines the debt limit. What is … Continue reading

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5 Years of Dodd-Frank

It’s been 5 years since Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Act reforming the U.S. financial regulatory system. Since then, we’ve been busy examining almost every aspect of this law and its impacts. Today’s WatchBlog shares a few of our regulatory lessons … Continue reading

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Podcast on Debt Limit Approaches

The debt limit is a cap on the amount of money that the Department of the Treasury can borrow to meet the nation’s financial obligations. Delays in raising this statutory limit can have broad implications for the entire financial system.

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Understanding the Housing Finance System

The housing finance market is more than just homebuyers, sellers, and real estate agents—it’s a complicated landscape of borrowers, lenders, securitizers, servicers, and investors. The complexity of housing finance played a major role in the 2007-2009 financial crisis, and poses … Continue reading

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Podcast on Disaster Loans to Small Businesses Following Hurricane Sandy

On October 29th, 2012, Hurricane Sandy made landfall, causing an estimated $65 billion in property damage. In the wake of the storm, the Small Business Administration (SBA) provided physical and economic injury disaster loans to help businesses and individual homeowners … Continue reading

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GAO’s Financial Markets and Community Investment Team

GAO’s workforce is generally organized into 14 mission teams. Today we’ll be putting the spotlight on the Financial Markets and Community Investment (FMCI) team. FMCI supports Congress by helping ensure the effectiveness of regulatory oversight in financial and housing markets, … Continue reading

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Podcast on Expectations of Government Support for Large Bank Holding Companies

The perception among investors and credit agencies that a bank is “too big to fail” may affect how that bank’s holding company competes in financial markets. Hear our podcast with Lawrance Evans, Jr., a director in GAO’s Financial Markets and … Continue reading

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