Family Recognition/Awards

It is an honor to represent the people of Idaho. It is my goal to do so in a manner that reflects the values and traditions of Idahoans. During the course of my public service, I have been fortunate to be recognized by many tremendous organizations. Many of these awards are based on my voting record, and my efforts to serve the people of Idaho.

So many issues that confront Congress touch our families, which are the bedrock of a healthy society. It's important to find the most effective ways to provide policies that assist in rearing healthy, educated children who will contribute to the fabric of our society. To learn more about my positions on issues affecting family and social policy, please visit the Cultural Diversity,Family & Social Policy, Education and Criminal Justice & the Courts sections of this website. Below you will find listed the awards I have received for my efforts in family and social policy:

Friend of the Farm Bureau Award

Certificate of Recognition

Awarded by the National Council of Jewish Women in 2013

Presented for outstanding leadership on reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act

Friend of the Farm Bureau Award

2012 Futures Without Violence Award

Presented by Futures Without Violence, March, 2012.

Awarded for improving the health and safety of countless victims of abuse through leadership efforts in the Violence Against Women Act.

Idaho Sugarbeet Growers 2008

2010 Visionary Leadership Award

Presented by the National Network To End Domestic Violence, October 2010.

Awarded for leadership in the U.S. Senate on issues of domestic and dating violence.

Dedicated Service Award

2010 Best of Congress

Presented by Working Mother Magazine and Corporate Voices for Working Families in 2010.

Awarded for workplace policies and commitment to moving important work-life legislation forward.

Dedicated Service AwardCertificate for Appreciation

Presented by the Treasure Valley Reading Foundation in 2010.

For outstanding support of children's literacy with participation in the "Lawyers for Literacy" Law Day 2010 project.

Dedicated Service Award2009 Legislative Leader

Presented by The Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society Legislative Fund

For efforts to promote humane treatment of animals.

Dedicated Service Award2009 YMCA Congressional Champion Award

Awarded by the YMCA in 2009

Presented on behalf of YMCAs in Idaho and across America.

Dedicated Service AwardTrue Blue Award

Awarded by the Family Research Council

for 110th and 108th Congresses

Presented for extraordinary leadership and dedication to the defense of family, faith and freedom; Senator Crapo received a 100% voting record on issues/legislation reviewed by the Family Research Council.

Certificate of Appreciation

Awarded by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence in 2008

Presented in recognition of the important role and dedication in raising public awareness on family violence and supporting legislation that empowers victims of family violence.

Dedicated Service AwardCongressional Crime Fighter Award

Awarded by the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) in 2008

Presented for leadership in fighting sexual violence and helping its victims.

Dedicated Service AwardDistinguished Eagle Scout

Awarded by the Boy Scouts of America in 2000

Presented to Eagle Scouts for distinguished service to the community over a period of 25 years after achieving the Eagle Scout rank. Senator Crapo achieved Eagle Scout rank in 1966.

Dedicated Service AwardFriend of the Family

Awarded by The Christian Coalition for 104th and 106th Congresses

In recognition of outstanding service and record in support of family values.

Dedicated Service AwardDefender of Marriage Award

Presented by the Alliance for Marriage, 2005

Presented in recognition of courage and moral conviction in voting in favor of the passage of the Marriage Protection Amendment.

Dedicated Service AwardFirst Book's Senator Award for Excellence

Awarded by First Book for 2004-2006

Presented for dedication to literacy. Senator Crapo assisted in distributing over 330,000 new books to children in need throughout the state of Idaho.

Dedicated Service AwardCongressional Recognition

Awarded by The Citizens Flag Alliance, Inc. in 2000

Presented for support of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would return to the American people the right to protect the Flag of the United States from acts of physical desecration.

Congressional Recognition

Awarded by the National Center for Victims of Crime and approximately 40 victims’ advocacy groups in 2006

Presented for legislative work championing the needs and concerns of victims of crime nationwide, particularly victims of domestic and dating violence.

Congressional Recognition

Awarded by the National State Housing Finance Agency in 2006

Presented for legislative efforts to provide affordable housing for American families.

Decade for Change Award

Awarded by the National Domestic Violence Hotline in 2006

Presented for legislative efforts to combat on domestic violence and abuse.

Congressional Squadron Certificate

Awarded by the Idaho Civil Air Patrol in 2004

Presented for support of the U.S. Air Force.

The Friend of Housing Award

Awarded by Idaho Housing Foundation Association in 1999

Presented for support of providing affordable housing opportunity for Idahoans

Family Statesman of the Year Award

Awarded by the Idaho Family Forum in 1992

Presented for efforts to support and strengthen the families in Idaho and America.

Last updated 05/13/2013