Press Release

Press Release

House Votes to Keep Itself on a Fiscally Responsible Track

The House voted to continue Congress’s freeze that has been in place since 2010 and made sure to stop any added funding for the legislative branch, putting us on a fiscally-responsible track to save…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on Short-Term Highway Extension

House Republicans will continue to work to end this unnecessary cliff, and we call on our Democrat colleagues to stop politicizing the process so we can make real progress.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Speaks at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation on the Economy and America’s Fiscal Future

Leader McCarthy Speaks at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation on the Economy and America’s Fiscal Future

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s Fiscal Summit discussing trade, the progress of the House agenda, and more with CNN’s Dana Bash

Press Release

House Sends Anti-Human Trafficking Bill to President’s Desk

House Sends Anti-Human Trafficking Bill to President’s Desk

This bill targets multiple aspects of human trafficking from providing resources and tools to law enforcement to helping victims reenter society and strengthening our laws against those involved in…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on an Innovation Agenda for the 21st Century

Majority Leader McCarthy spoke at a leadership press conference today about both the House’s accomplishments last week and efforts this week to spur innovation and move America into the 21st…
