Tag Archives: INTOSAI

Following the Money: The Audit Trail

You may remember from your elementary school civics class (or our previous Watchblog posts) that Congress allocates the money that executive branch agencies use to carry out their work. But who makes sure these agencies are spending this money correctly? … Continue reading

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Introducing GAO’s New Center for Audit Excellence!

Accountability is our middle name, so we know the importance of audit work. To help other watchdogs here and around the world, we launched our Center for Audit Excellence today. Read on to learn about the high-quality training, technical assistance, … Continue reading

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GAO Receives ‘Clean Opinion’ from International Peer Review

GAO has received a “clean opinion”—the best review possible—from an independent international peer review team that closely examined the agency’s quality assurance system. This year’s review cited GAO’s institutional structures and organizational culture for clearly prioritizing quality and independence, values that … Continue reading

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