Press Release

Press Release

America Has a Right to See the Secret Side Deals

America Has a Right to See the Secret Side Deals

Especially in a matter as significant as this nuclear deal, we need transparency, and the Administration’s usual tactics of secrecy and obfuscation simply won’t stand.

Press Release

One Step Closer to Restoring Constitutionalism

Today’s court ruling is good news for our system of government and puts us one step closer to reestablishing a proper separation of powers.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on August Jobs Report

Instead of prescribing more barriers on opportunity such as the Obama’s administration’s National Labor Relations Board did last week, the House is focused on pro-growth policies to increase…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on the Retirement of Chairman John Kline

Chairman John Kline has selflessly spent his life in the service of our nation. As a Member of Congress, he has been one of the strongest advocates for our men and women in uniform.

Press Release

House to Vote on Disapproval of Iran Nuclear Agreement

Next week the House will consider a resolution of disapproval of the Iran nuclear deal. This vote will have an immense impact on our national security as well as the security of our friends and…
