Press Release

Press Release

We Should Build on Fracking’s Success, Not Destroy It

Hydraulic fracturing is the type of innovation that is good for workers, national security, and our environment. Unlike this Administration, the House won’t try to destroy it. We will build on it.

Press Release

To Face New Threats, We Need Innovation

We know that what protected us in the past isn’t sufficient for today or the future. We need more, and the government can’t do it alone.

Press Release

The House Provides for the Common Defense

Our fighting forces need the resources and reforms in this Department of Defense appropriations bill to deter aggression abroad and take the fight to our enemies—especially those devoted to radical…

Press Release

House Passes Bill Package To Combat Radicalization and Islamist Extremism

To honor the memory of the victims in Orlando, we must rededicate ourselves to preventing terrorists from gaining a foothold in our communities.

Press Release

Financial Services Bills Help Innovators Turn Their Ideas Into Reality

Success should never be reserved for the already wealthy and well-connected. Anyone who works hard should have the opportunities that modern technology and increased connectivity offer to improve…
