Press Release

Press Release

What is the President’s Strategy to Combat Terrorism?

Although the Obama Administration sought to declare the war on terrorism over, the terrorists have only increased their assaults against free and moderate societies who do not share their extremist…

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on House Resolution in Support of France

We stand with France in our commitment to keep our countries secure and defend the fundamental principles of our democratic societies.

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on Iran

Both the Obama Administration’s concessionary approach to nuclear negotiations with Iran and its lack of an effective strategy to confront Iran’s continuing aggression and support for terrorism…

Press Release

House Passes Another Bipartisan Jobs Bill

House Passes Another Bipartisan Jobs Bill

Excess regulations hurt jobs and put added costs on our economy. The number of regulations that have piled up over the past six years are compounding and holding back Main Street businesses.

Press Release

The House Will Protect Constitutional Separation of Powers

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke on the House floor today in support of the House’s efforts to counter President Obama’s unconstitutional executive actions.
