Press Release

Press Release

We Will Pass Bills to Fight the Opioid Epidemic

“I’m very confident that by the end of this month we’ll have the legislation solved, be able to pass it, and move it on the floor in May.”

Press Release

Congress Incentivizes Innovators to Respond to Zika

By adding Zika to this program, we encourage innovators to develop an effective treatment for this latest public health crisis.

Press Release

The House Has a Solution to the Puerto Rico Debt Crisis

By allowing an oversight board to work with the Puerto Rican government, they can begin to tackle their debt while also instituting economic reforms and making government operate more efficiently.

Press Release

Fighting Zika Responsibly

Now that the World Health Organization has announced an end to the Ebola public health emergency, it is time to reprioritize and use these Ebola funds for today’s challenges.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on the Obama Administration Fiduciary Rule

This new fiduciary rule from the Department of Labor would raise barriers on investment advice to unreasonable heights, stopping people with smaller bank accounts from getting the financial…
