Press Release

Press Release

After House Pressure, Administration Abandons Plan to Limit Second Amendment Rights

The Obama Administration’s latest attempt to constrain the Second Amendment has succumbed to concerns and opposition from the American people and their elected Representatives in Congress.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on the Retirement of Chairman Candice Miller

I have had the honor of serving right alongside Candice during major policy debates when she was a part of my whip team and now again at the Chairman’s table, and her knowledge and counsel have…

Press Release

On the Path to Ending Government’s Amtrak Monopoly

This bill sets the table for all of Amtrak’s routes to be self-sufficient so that government can eventually get out of the rail business and leave it to the private sector, as it should be.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress was an important moment for our country and for Israel. I am encouraged by the bipartisan reception given to the Prime…

Press Release

House Continues Work to Reform the VA

House Continues Work to Reform the VA

The VA needs accountability and it needs to put veterans’ care first by allowing greater choice. In the House’s continued efforts to provide compassionate care for our veterans and hold the VA…
