In an effort to be as accessible as possible, every week I’ll be taking a question sent in to my office and answering it via video on YouTube and Facebook. If you’d like to ask a question, you can tweet it to me using #AskBob or send it in here.

Feb 16 2016

The Combating BDS Act of 2016 empowers community leaders and individuals who seek to counter the hateful targeting of Israel, while sending an unquestionable message about our steadfast opposition to BDS and strong support for those who stand up for Israel.

Feb 02 2016

The Research and Development Tax Credit is a powerful innovation incentive for businesses in our community to develop new technology and create jobs. Watch this week's Ask Bob to learn more.

Jan 26 2016

Veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan face an unemployment rate that is substantially higher than the national average. That’s why I’ve partnered with local businesses and community leaders to discuss ways to reverse this troubling trend.

Dec 14 2015

Reauthorizing the Land and Water Conservation Fund is such an important issue. Watch this video to learn more about why I am an original cosponsor of legislation to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

Dec 09 2015

Last week I introduced a bipartisan bill to create jobs and promote energy efficiency. The Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act of 2015 would significantly reduce U.S. energy consumption by improving energy efficiency.

Nov 24 2015

In the face of these abhorrent crimes against humanity, the United States must put politics aside and lead the fight with our allies to quell the tide of terror. As the greatest force for freedom and human dignity, the United States cannot tolerate affronts to global security, wherever they may occur.

Nov 18 2015

Last week I spent Thursday as "Principal for a Day" at Shepard Middle School in Deerfield to learn first hand about the impact that education policies have on our schools. I filmed a quick video answering an important question about providing opportunity for all students.

Nov 03 2015

Last week, we passed a short-term transportation authorization extension. That's good news, but short-term extensions are not enough and continuing to govern from crisis to crisis is detrimental to our great nation. Watch this week's Ask Bob video to learn more.

Oct 27 2015

Over the past five years, I have made several trips to Israel because I believe it is essential to be on the ground, see things firsthand and discuss the security challenges our nations face together. I will always stand by our friends in Israel because the U.S.-Israel relationship is not about left vs. right; it is a right vs. wrong issue.