Category Archives: Business Regulation and Consumer Protection

Avoiding a Washed-Up Flood Insurance Program

The floods devastating Louisiana will cause millions, if not billions, of dollars’ worth of damage. Homeowners who opted to purchase flood insurance coverage for their property may be able to rely on the National Flood Insurance Program for help. Today … Continue reading

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What Do Quagga Mussels, Pythons, and Hydrilla Have in Common?   

They’re all aquatic invasive species—and federal agencies are trying to do something about them. When nonnative plants, animals, and microorganisms live in new aquatic habitats, they can damage ecosystems and threaten commercial, agricultural, and recreational activities. Today’s WatchBlog explores what … Continue reading

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6 years after Dodd-Frank, Oversight of Financial Services Industry Still Needs Streamlining

Today is the 6th anniversary of the signing of the Dodd-Frank Act. The law made a range of financial reforms meant to help prevent future financial crises. For example, it closed gaps in the oversight of consumer protection and markets … Continue reading

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Using Money When You Can’t See It

How does someone who is visually impaired distinguish a $1 bill from a $5 or a $20? It’s nearly impossible—U.S. paper currency is all the same size, same general design, and has the same texture. But there’s also no simple … Continue reading

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Customer Service for Federal Student Loan Borrowers (podcast)

The Department of Education issued almost $96 billion in higher education loans through its Direct Loan Program in fiscal year 2015. Under this program, students borrow from the federal government, but repay the loan through loan servicers under contract with … Continue reading

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Expanding Drinking Water Options

Providing clean and fresh water is one of the most essential municipal services. Recent reports about lead-contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan and ongoing drought in several parts of the nation, highlight the importance of ensuring the public has a … Continue reading

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Smartphone Tracking Apps (podcast)

Smartphones have apps that can help parents keep track of their kids or businesses keep tabs on deliveries. But some of these tracking apps could also be used to facilitate stalking. Listen to Mark Goldstein, a director in our Physical … Continue reading

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E-cigarettes and FDA’s New Rule

E-cigarettes have rapidly become more popular since they first appeared on the U.S. market about 10 years ago. Just last week, the Food and Drug Administration issued a rule to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products. This follows recent e-cigarette legislation … Continue reading

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Vehicle Cybersecurity (podcast)

You may not have noticed, but your car is turning into a computer on wheels. Software now controls things like braking and steering, as well as hands-free calling and keyless entry. But if your car is like a computer, is … Continue reading

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Financial Regulatory Structure (podcast)

Over the past 150 years, the U.S. financial regulatory structure has evolved in response to various financial crises and to keep pace with financial markets themselves as they advanced from tickertape to e-trading and beyond. As you can see, the … Continue reading

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