Diversity and Inclusion at GAO

Here at GAO, we are committed to creating a diverse thumbnail_gaoworkforce and an inclusive work environment, which we consider to be an asset to the agency and the federal government as a whole. In December 2014, GAO was named not only one of the best places to work among mid-size agencies, but also received top ranking in that category for our support of diversity.

As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are celebrating Black History Month, as we do each February. This month calls attention to the contributions African Americans have made to this nation, and pays tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity.

This year’s events have included

  • A talk by A’lelia Bundles, a television producer who spoke about African-American contributions to our nation, including her own background, being the great-great granddaughter of the country’s first female self-made millionaire, Madame C.J. Walker.
  • A Blacks in Government event that provided a history of an independent assessment of GAO’s own practices; specifically, factors related to how employees are rated, the factors influencing those ratings, and what we, as an agency, are doing to address differences. For example, GAO recently increased diversity and inclusion training for all staff.
  • A talk by Dr. Robert Simmons III, an urban educator, researcher, and innovator in education who is leading a new initiative, Empowering Males of Color, to advance achievement and opportunity, and reduce racial disparities for boys and men of color across Washington, D.C.

In addition, this is the 26th year of our annual oratory contest, which features students from Washington D.C. area high schools giving oral presentations on African-American achievements. The contest is judged by a panel that includes U.S. Comptroller General, Gene Dodaro.

To learn more about our workforce, read our 2014 Performance and Accountability Report. For more information about diversity in the federal workforce, visit our Key Issues page on human capital management.

•    Questions on the content of this post? Contact Chuck Young at youngc1@gao.gov.
•    Comments on GAO’s WatchBlog? Contact blog@gao.gov.

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