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Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

Representing the 11th District of California

Constituent Service FAQs

Assisting my constituents when they are having problems with a federal agency is one of the most important responsibilities of my office. A few quick questions might help you determine if I can be helpful to you in your case.

Do you reside in the 11th Congressional District of California?

Each Member of Congress has the honor and privilege of serving his or her own constituents. Ethic rules, protocols of congressional courtesy and propriety require me to refer matters concerning residents of other districts to the offices of their respective Member. If you live in one of the communities that comprise the 11th District of California, I'll be happy to try to assist you. Click here for information on our district.

Does your case involve a federal agency?

As one of your federal elected representatives, I am in a position to make inquiries of federal agencies. If your case involves state or local government, your public school district or other public agencies, click HERE for links to the official websites for the cities and towns of the 11th District or click HERE to identify your state elected officials.

Does the case involve you?

Often, people contact my office on behalf of a friend or relative. In order to make an official inquiry, privacy laws require that I have the written consent of my constituent to do so. However, I am always happy to listen to your concerns about a constituent who may be having some difficulty to determine whether we may be of assistance. Alternatively, you may suggest that your friend or relative contact the office directly. Please click HERE for a Privacy Act Release Form.

Is your situation a legal dispute?

As a member of the legislative branch, it would be inappropriate for me to become involved in pending court proceedings or legal issues. Ethic rules, judicial rules and the Constitution prohibit such intervention. This restriction applies to both civil and criminal matters.


Can the processing of your case be expedited?

Cases can be "sped up" in the rarest of circumstances, usually in the case of an extreme hardship, medical emergency or impending death. If you believe your situation merits such consideration, please contact ether my Richmond Office or my Walnut Creek Office, and my staff will assess the circumstances and offer advice on the proper strategy for handling your case.

How do I get a Privacy Act release form?

Once you answer these questions and determine that I might be of some assistance to you in addressing your problem, please contact my office in person in Walnut Creek or Richmond or by telephone, fax, mail or email. If I can assist you, you must complete a Privacy Act release form so my office can initiate an inquiry on your behalf.

What can you expect from my office?

My office is here to assist my constituents with problems involving a federal agency. Although I am unable to guarantee a specific result or outcome concerning a particular case, I may make inquiries as to the status of a particular matter, obtain additional information or direct you to some other appropriate organizations for resources and services that may be of some assistance to you in addressing your situation. My staff and I will work hard to make sure that your matter is given a fair and thorough review, and we will seek a timely response from the agency involved.

For some of you, answering these questions may not help you clarify whether I can assist you. If you are unsure, please contact ether my Richmond Office or my Walnut Creek Office, and my staff will discuss your situation to determine the best course of action.