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Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham

Representing the 1st District of New Mexico

Albuquerque Business First: 'Make it in America' tour stops in Albuquerque

Feb 19, 2014
In The News

On Tuesday afternoon, Albuquerque’s Lavu Inc. got a visit from Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, who took the afternoon to talk about the problems startups face.

Hoyer, D-Maryland, is on a nationwide tour to promote the House Democrats’ “Make it in America” program, which is a series of bills designed to promote new business.

“This kind of thing is not easy,” Lavu CEO Andy Lim told the two as they toured the company’s offices in the Old Town area.

Hoyer asked several questions about Lim’s company, and was interested in how he built the company, how much it has grown, and where its customers are.

“What we are looking for is ideas that will make it more likely someone will open a Lavu,” Hoyer said. “We’re trying to help startups, midsize companies, expand and make it profitable to bring your manufacturing here.

“I go everywhere in America and I talk to most places, from the most conservative to the most liberal, and they all get it,” Hoyer said.

Lim said that he would like to see more tax initiatives that would help grow — rather than recruit — companies to New Mexico.

“We don’t we try to grow companies here? Nurture them?” Lim said. “We’re not asking for money, we’re asking for tax incentives and help.”

Lim told the two legislators his story of how he started his company with a friend at his kitchen table. Today, it has more than 30 companies. Lavu makes a point-of-sale service for retail, and restaurants and bars, that simplifies ordering and sales.