Tag Archives: cyber

Securing the Nation’s Most Sensitive Information (podcast)

High-impact federal information systems hold sensitive information, which, if lost, could cause catastrophic harm to individuals, the government, and the nation. We recently surveyed federal agencies about cyber threats to high-impact systems and efforts to protect them. Listen to Greg … Continue reading

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The National Cybersecurity Protection System (podcast)

With cyberattacks on the rise, protecting federal government computer systems, the infrastructure they control, and the private data stored within them is of the utmost importance. The National Cybersecurity Protection System is intended to help—but how well is it working? … Continue reading

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Video on Power Outages on Military Bases

The Department of Defense uses computer systems to control electricity, natural gas, and other utility services on its military installations. According to DOD, these systems could be vulnerable to cyber threats. In fact, security testers destroyed a generator in a … Continue reading

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