Press Release

Press Release

McCarthy and Goodlatte Statement on ATF Proposal to Limit Second Amendment Rights

McCarthy and Goodlatte Statement on ATF Proposal to Limit Second Amendment Rights

We condemn this Administration’s continued attempt to restrict the American people’s ability to legally and responsibly exercise their Second Amendment rights.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on Meet The Press

Today House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke with Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet The Press on the people’s frustration with President Obama’s unilateral executive actions and how to move forward on…

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on the Death of Boris Nemtsov

I am shocked and saddened by the vicious murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. He was a courageous advocate for democracy and justice in his country and bravely spoke out against the…

Press Release

The House Will Fight to Preserve Internet Freedom

The House Will Fight to Preserve Internet Freedom

The FCC has just taken the internet—arguably the most dynamic contributor to a growing economy and higher quality of life in the world—back in time to the era of landlines. Today’s vote by the…

Press Release

House Votes to Strengthen College Savings Plans

After families cried out against the President’s plan to tax 529 college savings accounts, he dropped it. The President has rightly chosen to not do harm. But now he should work with the House to…
