Press Release

Press Release

Innovation Brings New Hope to Communities Across America

Even today you can see communities rising again not by trying to recreate the past, but by looking to the future. Innovation is the key to America’s future.

Press Release

No More Settlement Money to Special Interests

This is the exact kind of favoritism that the American people are sick of.

Press Release

Promoting Innovation in Oil and Gas Exploration

Representative Garrett Graves’s (LA-06) creative thinking will offer oil and gas exploration needed efficiency in an otherwise unpredictable market.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on the Attack in France

Our nation mourns with the people of France as they undergo yet another national tragedy.

Press Release

A New Day in the Battle Against Opioid Abuse

I want to thank the community leaders out on the front lines and all the families and individuals who suffered from addiction who were brave enough to tell their most personal stories so that we…
