Press Release

Press Release

Interior Appropriations Includes Desperately Needed Water Provisions

Water is our lifeblood in the Central Valley, and this bill includes desperately needed California water provisions to increase pumping and relieve some of the pain our communities are feeling today.

Press Release

Iran Shouldn’t Have Access to the Dollar

Granting Iran access to the U.S. financial system would legitimize this regime and allow it to further fund all of these appalling activities and more. That is unacceptable.

Press Release

No Excuses. Hold Iran Accountable

I do not understand opposition to this bill. We are simply holding Iran accountable—exactly what the Administration said they would do.

Press Release

We Shouldn’t Pay Iran for Something They Shouldn’t Have

Instead of forcing Iran to destroy the extra heavy water, which is used in nuclear reactors, the Obama Administration wants to pay them for it.

Press Release

We Are Free Only If We Respect Each Others’ Beliefs

Don’t force those who are deeply and morally opposed to something to fund it, support it, or perform it.
