Press Release

Press Release

The House Expands HSAs to Help Those Struggling Under Obamacare

With improved HSAs, those who struggle to pay growing health care costs can more easily save for and cover expenses.

Press Release

Mental Health Reform Brings New Hope

This bill is thorough and will deliver. It will improve our fragmented mental health system, giving new hope to those too often forgotten and support to those truly in need.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on the President’s Afghanistan Announcement

Now is not the time to talk about troop reductions or to continue to tie the hands of our military personnel by barring our commanders from going after the Taliban and Haqqani Network the same way…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Speaks at the Opioid Conference Meeting

Today is not where we should end. We have to finish this, and the sooner the better to save more lives.

Press Release

House Passes Tule River Land Bill

Today’s legislation transfers a relatively small piece of land, only about 34 acres. But it will allow the Tule River Tribe to unify their property, giving them the freedom to live as they choose….
