Press Release

Press Release

House Passes Two Bills to Impede Terrorist Travel

To win this fight against radical Islamists, the Obama Administration must take these important steps to help stop terrorists from being able to get where the want to go.

Press Release

Closing Guantanamo Would Harm U.S. National Security

This latest proposal from the Administration is not complete and it would sacrifice U.S. national security for the sake of a misguided campaign pledge.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on Squawk Box: The House is Not Sitting Back

Whoever becomes the nominee, they can grab the House Republican agenda from poverty and opportunity to economics to regulatory reform to tax reform to health care and national security.

Press Release

Obama Oversteps Congress, Locks up Land for Personal Legacy

Today President Obama unilaterally locked up nearly 1.8 million acres by designating three new national monuments in California. This action undermines ongoing legislative efforts tailored to the…

Press Release

We Stand With Our Ally Turkey

Only constant vigilance and a strong response to global terrorism can put an end to these senseless murders.
