Press Release

Press Release

The EPA’s War on Jobs

More rules from unaccountable bureaucracies limit the freedom and opportunities of many Americans trying to work hard, make a living, and support themselves and their families.

Press Release

A Victory for Constitutionalism

Congress must continually reassert its authority and defend a proper separation of powers in order to protect the basic liberties of the American people from an Executive branch that continues to…

Press Release

House Votes To Establish National Opioid Task Force

By getting those with the best knowledge of the problem together with relevant federal agencies, we can curb opioid addiction at the root.

Press Release

McCarthy Introduces Legislation to Empower Local Housing Agencies

In our efforts to lift those up from homelessness and deprivation, we should rely on and trust our local communities, not centralized agencies in Washington.

Press Release

The House Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Fight the Opioid Epidemic

I want to give some special thanks here to Congressman Bob Dold (IL-10), Congresswoman Susan Brooks (IN-05). They never gave up, and they worked in a bipartisan manner.
