Press Release

Press Release

House-Passed CURES Brings Hope to Everyone Affected by Disease

House-Passed CURES Brings Hope to Everyone Affected by Disease

21st Century Cures is one of the most important bills we are considering this Congress because it can actually save lives. This bill preserves America’s place at the forefront of medical innovation…

Press Release

Closer to Water

Closer to Water

This bill offers an alternative to the status quo by clearing up the roadblocks and inefficiencies in complex and often contradictory federal laws, regulations, and lawsuits that block water…

Press Release

To Fight Fires, Start with Prevention

To Fight Fires, Start with Prevention

With healthy forests, California, and every state that faces forest fires, will be able to breathe breath a little easier.

Press Release

The OPM Has Demonstrated the Height of Incompetence

Public trust in how our government is run is already low, and any resolution to this massive data breach and theft can only happen with new leadership at the OPM immediately.

Press Release

Education is the First Step to Opportunity

Real education reform starts with taking power out of Washington’s hands and giving it back to the people, because nobody knows what is best for a child’s future more than the parents who raise…
