Tag Archives: Federal Emergency Management Agency

Federal Disaster Assistance (infographic)

Hurricane Matthew is one of the strongest storms to impact U.S. shores in decades. The federal government has a role in helping the nation respond to and recover from hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and other major disasters or emergencies. Our infographic … Continue reading

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Everyone Ready for Atlantic Hurricane Season?

This week marks the start of the Atlantic Hurricane Season. To prepare, you might be considering such activities as stockpiling water and making a plan with family or neighbors. At the federal level, preparing for—and recovering from—disasters requires planning with … Continue reading

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Contracting during a Disaster: Lessons Learned from Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy

When disaster strikes, the Federal Emergency Management Agency can help. But FEMA doesn’t do it all on its own. The agency contracts for goods, like meals and cots for disaster survivors, as well as services, like translators and housing inspectors. … Continue reading

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Hurricane Katrina: 10 Years after the Storm

It’s been a decade since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. In that time, we’ve examined almost every aspect of federal recovery efforts following the storm. Today, we look back at some of that work and explore how to reduce … Continue reading

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It’s Hurricane Season—Informing Federal Disaster Management

Hurricane season is well under way, and we’re highlighting some of our reports and resources that can help inform federal disaster management in events such as hurricanes. 2014’s first named storm, Hurricane Arthur, has already found a place in the … Continue reading

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The National Flood Insurance Program: a High-Risk Business

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a key component of the federal government’s efforts to limit the damage and financial impact of floods. However, it likely will not generate sufficient revenues to repay the billions of dollars borrowed from … Continue reading

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