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Congressman Randy Neugebauer

Representing the 19th District of Texas


Neugebauer Votes to Rein in EPA

May 12, 2015
Press Release


WASHINGTON – Rep. Randy Neugebauer (TX-19) released the following statement today after voting for H.R. 1732, the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act, to require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to withdraw its proposed “Waters of the United States” Rule and re-propose the rule after consulting with state and local officials as well as stakeholders and interested parties:

“Today I voted to stop the EPA’s proposed Waters of the United States power-grab which ignores our local efforts with more failed Washington-knows-best rulemaking. Under the Obama administration, the federal government continues to overreach into the lives of hardworking Texas farmers, ranchers, and business owners. The EPA’s unprecedented rule empowers Washington bureaucrats to expand what is considered ‘navigable waters’ despite serious concerns from those affected. Prohibiting the current proposal from moving forward and requiring meaningful input from those who will be most affected by the current rule is a step in the right direction.”
