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Congressman Randy Neugebauer

Representing the 19th District of Texas


Randy's Roundup: 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

February 21, 2013
Randy's Roundup

40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Tomorrow marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that legalized abortion. Since then, 55 million unborn babies have lost their lives.  It is heartbreaking to consider the unfulfilled promise of these unborn sons and daughters.  I believe the most basic function of government is to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and our laws must honor the sanctity of life.

This week is the annual March for Life Rally in Washington, DC. Thousands of Americans will march on the National Mall to continue the fight to end abortions. I recorded a brief message showing my support for this important cause, and I will continue to vocally and passionately support pro-life policies that protect the innocent unborn.

President Obama’s Gun Control Proposal

Last week, I was disappointed when President Obama signed a series of executive orders related to the Second Amendment and called on Congress to pass laws restricting gun ownership rights. His proposal includes recommendations to ban "military-style assault weapons," conduct universal background checks on every person buying a gun, and limit magazine capacity. The executive actions, regulations, and legislative proposals will cost about $4.5 billion according to the White House.

I am a staunch supporter of the Constitutional right to bear arms, and I strongly disagree with the President’s call to restrict gun ownership rights.  No one wants another tragedy like we saw in Newtown, but trampling on the Constitution and taking away the freedoms of law abiding Americans isn’t the solution.  I will oppose any Congressional action to infringe on our Second Amendment rights, and work to ensure that our Constitution isn’t bypassed by Executive Order.  The President is trying to tell the American people that in order to prevent senseless tragedies, we must give up our freedoms.  That is not true, and I will work to ensure that no one must choose between safety and liberty.

Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Presidential Inauguration

Today we celebrate the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his unforgettable impact on the history of our country. His influence represented more than just an attitude shift on race in America; it was an affirmation of our country’s core belief: that all men are created equal. That principle is the foundation of our democracy—we are all equal, and we all deserve an equal say in our government.  This morning, we honored a great tradition of our democracy – a Presidential Inauguration.  We are all free to exercise our right to vote, and we all abide by those results.  Other countries—even now—experience violent struggles for power.   My hope is that everyone may reflect on this historic day and keep in mind the importance of living in a free and democratic society.

Action Item of the Week – Mobile Office Hours

My district staff hosts “mobile office hours” on a regular basis in small communities around the 19th District of Texas. This is an opportunity for my staff to help constituents that may not be able to travel to our offices in Lubbock, Abilene or Big Spring. If you’re having trouble with a federal agency, like Social Security or the Veterans Administration, would like to hear about the many ways we can assist you, or would like information about legislation in Congress, I encourage you to stop by. Click here to see when we will be in your area.