Congresswoman Chellie Pingree

Representing the 1st District of Maine

Military Sexual Trauma

One of my top priorities is making sure that we are doing everything we can to help and support our men and women in uniform who were sexually assaulted during their service. Please check this page periodically for updates on Resources, Legislation, and Policy Updates.

"You and your office restored my faith that there are still people in our government who care about us who end up feeling lost in the system. Thank you for making me feel that I matter to our country."

--MST survivor


Legislation and Policy

  • HR 1607, Ruth Moore Act OF 2015: Fact Sheet | Bill Status
  • For efforts to reform Question 21 on the Security Clearance Questionnaire, please go to Q21

More on Military Sexual Trauma

May 20, 2016 Press Release

On the heels of a Human Rights Watch report that documents and draws attention to the experience of survivors of military sexual trauma, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), a member of Senate Armed Services Committee, and U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree (D-ME) wrote Secretary of Defense Ash Carter urging the Pentagon to reform their procedures for reviewing the cases of veterans improperly discharged after experiencing military sexual trauma.

May 19, 2016 Press Release

At a press conference in Washington today, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree called on the Department of Defense to change practices that have led tens of thousands of veterans to be improperly discharged from the military.

Jul 27, 2015 Press Release

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree applauded tonight’s unanimous House passage of H.R. 1607—the Ruth Moore Act of 2015—a bill she introduced earlier this year to make it easier for veterans who were sexually assaulted during their service to receive disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Apr 14, 2015 Press Release
Tells committee she is not going to give up fight for justice for veterans
Mar 26, 2015 Press Release

Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree and Montana Senator Jon Tester re-introduced the Ruth Moore Act today, a bill that will make it easier forsurvivors of military sexual assault to get the benefits they deserve.  Congressman Bruce Poliquin joined the effort as the lead Republican cosponsor in the House.

Dec 19, 2014 Press Release

Pingree is joined by 23 other Members of Congress to support lawsuit against VA

Jun 20, 2014 Press Release

Independent evaluation she requested found big differences in how veterans are treated from one office to another

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree led 31 of her House colleagues in asking the Department of Veterans Affairs to make changes in the way they handle disability claims for survivors of military sexual assault (MST). In a letter to Acting Secretary Sloan Gibson, Pingree and her colleagues highlighted an independent report Pingree had requested that found the VA is not treating all survivors of MST equally.

Jun 9, 2014 Press Release

Says independent evaluation she requested shows big differences in how veterans are treated from one office to another

>> >>The full GAO report can be viewed and downloaded here

May 29, 2014 Press Release

Ruth Moore was first denied benefits in 1993; Pingree asked officials to reopen case and reconsider decision

Jan 13, 2014 Press Release

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree issued the following statement today, after the Department of Defense released their annual report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies.
