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Congressman Mo Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Alabama


Congressman Brooks consistently receives the highest rating in Congress from NumbersUSA on border security issues for his fight to stop illegal immigration. This year, he introduced H.R. 3151, the Arrest Statistics Reporting Act, to make illegal alien crime data public, so lawmakers are better informed and empowered to make the decisions needed to protect American lives. Further, Brooks introduced the ICE Agent Support Act, which would provide resources and incentives for the enforcement of immigration laws.  He also introduced the American Jobs First Act, which would reform the foreign-worker visa program (H-1B visa program), a broken system which exacerbates the country’s labor shortage and depresses wages by bringing in foreign workers to compete with American workers.  Both the ICE Agent Support Act and the American Jobs First Act are companion legislation introduced in the Senate by Senators Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz.  

Congressman Brooks believes the federal government has been derelict in its border protection and immigration duties with both short- and long-term adverse effects. Illegal aliens receive free health care at America’s hospitals, driving up health care costs and delaying emergency room care for American citizens. Illegal aliens get free K-12 education, driving up education costs by requiring more English as a Second Language instructors and reducing funds for American citizens. Illegal aliens take jobs in the blue collar trades, causing wage suppression and denying jobs for American workers. Congressman Brooks supports and will vote for any substantive measure that removes illegal aliens from America. 

For more information concerning Immigration issues, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.


News Releases

September 21, 2016 News Releases

Washington, D.C. – This morning, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) addressed the House floor to warn of the risks posed to the economy and national security should America continue the massive immigration wave of the last 40 years.  

April 28, 2016 News Releases
Washington, D.C. – After an almost 17 hour hearing that ended at 2:30 this morning, the House Armed Services Committee passed the Fiscal Year 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that authorizes all national defense programs. Once again, Democrat members of the committee sought to use the NDAA to take military service opportunities from Americans and lawful immigrants in order to give them to illegal aliens.
February 24, 2016 News Releases
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) filed House companion legislation for both the ICE Agent Support Act (H.R. 4597) and the American Jobs First Act (H.R. 4598), which were recently introduced by Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL). These critical border security measures 1) incentivize the Administration to enforce existing law and 2) reform an often abused visa program, so that Americans are not laid off only to be replaced by cheaper foreign labor.
January 7, 2016 News Releases
“This falling wage data is compelling evidence that there is no shortage of American labor and, to the contrary, that there is an oversupply of American labor that demands cutting foreign labor, not expanding it!” – Rep. Brooks
October 27, 2015 News Releases

Washington, D.C. –This morning, Rep. Mo Brooks (AL-05) addressed the U.S. House, submitting for the Congressional Record, a letter Ryan Immigration Bill Commitments Letter w Handwritten Notes.pdf agreed to by Rep.

In the News

September 21, 2016 In the News
Alabama 5th District U.S. Congressman Mo Brooks took to the House floor Wednesday morning to warn against the risks he believes will be posed to the economy and national security should America continue with its current immigration wave that has persisted the past 40 years.
June 23, 2016 In the News
Thursday, June 23, 2016, the US Supreme Court’s announced a 4 to 4 decision in United States v. Texas. The case dealt with a Texas lawsuit seeking to block President Obama’s executive amnesty opinion. Since the Supreme Court was unable to reach a decision then the lower court ruling remains in effect. That ruling blocked the President’s plan to issue amnesty and green cards to persons illegally in the United States by executive fiat without obtaining the consent of the Congress.
April 27, 2016 In the News
The House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday held vigorous debate on undocumented immigrants’ enlistment in the military during its annual marathon markup of its 2017 defense authorization bill.
February 27, 2016 In the News
This week Brooks introduced companion bills to Cruz and Sessions’ ICE Agent Support Act and the American Jobs First Act in the House. The first bill mandates that civil fines collected from immigration violations be used to fund immigration enforcement far from the border, and the second bill changes the H-1B white-collar guest-worker program to help American college-grads.
February 26, 2016 In the News
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) introduced the ICE Agent Support Act (H.R. 4597) and the American Jobs First Act (H.R. 4598) this week and both are identical to the bills introduced by Sen. Sessions (R-Ala.) and Cruz (R-Texas) in the Senate earlier this month.