Tag Archives: personal information

Federal Cybersecurity Challenges

These days, when you turn on the news you almost always see another hack, leak, or breach putting sensitive information at risk. But we’ve been focusing on keeping federal agency information systems secure for a long time. For October’s Cybersecurity … Continue reading

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Privacy, Accuracy, and the FBI’s Face Recognition Technology (podcast)

Face recognition technology used to only be the stuff of science fiction. The FBI now uses this technology for investigative leads. But how well can this new technology actually link crime images to criminals? And where is the FBI getting … Continue reading

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Weaknesses in IRS Information Security (podcast)

To do its job, the IRS has to collect and keep a variety of sensitive information about taxpayers. But how does it make sure this information is secure? Listen to Greg Wilshusen, a director in our Information Technology team, discuss … Continue reading

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