Home > Press Releases > Congressman Jolly’s Thin Blue Line Act gains 51 House and Senate cosponsors

Seminole, FL – On the eve of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Congressman David Jolly (FL-13) announced 30 U.S. Representatives have signed on as cosponsors of his Thin Blue Line Act (H.R. 814).  Another 21 U.S. Senators have signed on as cosponsors of the companion bill (S. 2034).

“This legislation simply says if you take the life of a law enforcement officer, be prepared to lose your own life,” Jolly said.

The list of supporters include presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Senators Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Jon McCain (R-AZ), Pat Toomey (R-RI) and Representatives David Reichert (WA-8), Jeff Miller (FL-1), Ron DeSantis (FL-6), Richard Nugent (FL-11), Gus Bilirakis (FL-12), Dennis Ross (FL-15), Curt Clawson (FL-19) and Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25).

Since being introduced last year the Thin Blue Line Act has also garnered the support of the Fraternal Order of Police, Major County Sheriff’s Association, the National Association of Police Organizations, the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.),  the International Union of Police Associations, the Peace Officers Research Association of California , the National District Attorneys Association, National Sheriffs’ Association, the Council of Prison Locals, the Voices of J.O.E., and the Florida Sheriffs’ Association.

Calling the bill “critical,” William J. Johnson, the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, Inc. wrote in a letter of support, “Establishing stricter penalties for those who harm law enforcement officers will deter crime.  Any persons contemplating harming an officer must know that they will face serious punishments.  Increased penalties make important differences in the attitudes of criminals toward public safety officers, and ensure protection for the community.”

“This legislation would not only assist to bring those who seek out victims based on their status to justice, but also provide support for those who put their lives on the line for their communities and its citizens,” added Chuck Canterbury, the national president of the National Fraternal Order of Police in a letter of support.

The Thin Blue Line Act would make the murder of a police officer, firefighter, or first responder an aggravating factor in death penalty determinations and would be applicable whether the person is murdered on duty, because of the performance of their duty, or because of their status as a public official.

The measure covers every police officer whether federal, state, or local as well as any firefighter or first responder.  The only requirement is that the homicide provide federal jurisdiction.  This includes the following:

  • The interstate homicide of an officer
  • A homicide of an officer who is serving on a joint federal/state/local taskforce (example Organized Crime Task Forces, Drug Enforcement Task Forces, Human Trafficking Task Forces)
  • An officer, deputy, firefighter, first responder killed on federal land

Saturday January 8 is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

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