
Citizenship and Political Rights

Political rights refer to an individual's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the society and state without fear of discrimination or repression, and is tied closely to citizenship status. Such rights include not only the right to vote in an election, but also the rights to join a political party; run for office; and participate freely in political rallies, events, or protests.

Clear Filters

U.S. Bill Seeks Sanctions On Azerbaijani Officials For 'Appalling' Rights Record

The Tyranny You Haven't Heard Of

Bipartisan Congressional Delegation Represents US at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly; Also Visits Ukraine, Czech Republic

Chairman Smith Condemns Brutal Murder of Former Russian Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov

Russia: Human Rights and Political Prospects

Helsinki Commission Examines Plight of Internally Displaced Persons

Resolute in Russia

U.S. Helsinki Commission to Hold Briefing on OSCE Mediterranean Partners

Helsinki Commission Calls for Renewed Commitment to Defending Human Rights of Roma

Helsinki Commission Reviews OSCE Dutch Leadership

The 2003 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Armenia

Human Rights and Democratization in Bulgaria

The Dutch Leadership of the OSCE

Genocide in Bosnia

Turkey: What Can We Expect After the November 3 Election?

Turkey-U.S. Relations: Potential and Perils

Geneva Meeting on National Minorities and Moscow Meeting on the Human Dimension

The Current Situation in Croatia

Germany Unification and the CSCE Process

Ex Post Facto Problems of the Czech Citizenship Law
