
Freedom of Association and Assembly

The freedom of peaceful assembly and association is a cornerstone of democracy; a fundamental freedom. In the Helsinki Final Act and numerous other CSCE/OSCE agreements, all participating States have committed to protect peaceful assembly and to respect the right of individuals to associate with others, even if in so doing they voice opinions critical of the government or are generally unpopular. 

Throughout the decades, the Commission has repeatedly addressed violations of freedom of assembly and association in various participating States, in hearings and briefings, meetings with representatives of governments and parliaments of countries of concern, statements, letters and other venues.  The Commission has also contributed to official U.S. efforts to raise these violations, including statements at the annual OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Review meetings.  Currently, prominent violators of these freedom include Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Belarus, and Russian-occupied Crimea and the Russian-separatist occupied territories of eastern Ukraine.

Clear Filters

Remarks by Benjamin L. Cardin Urging the Russian Federation to Withdraw Legislation Restricting the Establishment of Nongovernmental Organizations

Unregistered Religious Groups in Russia

Our Impact by Country

Russian Support for the Syrian Regime

Belarus: Outpost of Tyranny

The Uzbekistan Crisis: Assessing the Impact and Next Steps

Human Rights in Iran: Prospects and the Western Response

The Meaning of Egypt's Elections and Their Relevance to the Middle East

Democratization in Central Asia

Remarks by Christopher H. Smith Urging Russian Federation to Withdraw Legislation Restricting Establishment of Nongovernmental Organizations

Riding Roughshod Over Rights in Belarus

Uzbekistan: Stifled Democracy, Human Rights in Decline

The Nightmare in Turkmenistan

80th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic

Continuous Religious Freedom Concerns in Armenia

Uzbekistan: Stifled Democracy, Human Rights in Decline

Presidential Elections Critical to Ukrainian Democracy

Commission Hearing Looked Ahead to Maastricht Ministerial

Troubling Pre-Election Developments in Ukraine

Encouraging Democratic Elections in Ukraine

Belarusian Authorities Continue to Stifle Democracy
