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Passed House amended (09/29/2010)

Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act of 2010 - Title I: Rare Earth Materials - (Sec. 101) Establishes in the Department of Energy (DOE) a research, development, and commercial application program to assure the long-term, secure, and sustainable supply of specified rare earth materials to satisfy the national security, economic well-being, and industrial production needs of the United States.

Directs the Secretary of Energy (Secretary) to: (1) support new or significantly improved processes and technologies (as compared to those currently in use in the rare earth materials industry); (2) encourage multidisciplinary collaborations and opportunities for students at institutions of higher education; (3) collaborate with relevant agencies of foreign countries with interests relating to rare earth materials; and (4) submit an implementation plan to Congress.

Requires the Secretary to offer to contract with the National Academy of Sciences for an assessment of the program after it has been in operation for four years.

(Sec. 102) Amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to authorize the Secretary through FY 2015, only to the extent provided in advance in a subsequent appropriations Act, to make loan guarantee commitments for the commercial application of new or significantly improved technologies for specified categories of projects, including: (1) separation and recovery of rare earth materials from ores or other sources; (2) preparation of rare earth materials in oxide, metal, alloy, or other forms needed for national security, economic well-being, or industrial production purposes; and (3) application of rare earth materials in the production of improved magnets, batteries, refrigeration systems, optical systems, electronics, and catalysis, among other uses.

Directs the Secretary to cooperate with appropriate private sector participants to achieve a complete rare earth materials production capability in the United States within five years after enactment of this Act.

Prohibits the Secretary from awarding a loan guarantee for a project unless the project's proponent provides assurances that the loan or guarantee shall be used to support the separation, recovery, preparation, or manufacturing of rare earth materials in the United States for customers within the United States, unless insufficient domestic demand for such materials results in excess capacity.

Title II: National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research, and Development - (Sec. 201) Amends the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development Act of 1980 to: (1) instruct the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy to coordinate federal materials research and development through the National Science and Technology Council (instead of the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology, which is now defunct); and (2) repeal specified reporting and action requirements for the Secretaries of Defense and of the Interior, respectively.

(Sec. 202) Repeals the National Critical Materials Act of 1984.