Vice Chair Crowley Presents Congressional Award to Self-Starter Astoria Resident

Aug 30, 2016 Issues: In the Community
Rep. Crowley congratulates Astoria resident Thomas Flynn on winning the Congressional Award Bronze Medal at his Queens District Office.
Vice Chair Crowley Presents Congressional Award to Self-Starter Astoria Resident

Congressional Award Recognizes Youth’s Commitment to Community, Academic Achievement

(Queens, NY) – On Tuesday, August 23, Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx), Vice Chair of the Democratic Caucus, presented Astoria resident Thomas Flynn with the Congressional Award Bronze Medal at a private ceremony in his Queens District Office.

“Thomas Flynn is an incredibly motivated young man who exhibits a passion for civic service and personal development,” said Rep. Crowley. “It is our responsibility to inspire and nurture this initiative when we see it. I am proud to recognize Thomas with this prestigious award, and to mark this moment as one of many when he will demonstrate his commitment to our community and to becoming the very best person he can be.”

Established in 1979, the Congressional Award is a public-private partnership created by Congress to promote and recognize achievement, initiative and service in America’s youth, ages 14 to 23. The Congressional Award provides a unique opportunity for young people to set and achieve personally challenging goals that build character and foster community service, personal development and citizenship. To earn the award, young people must set and achieve goals in the four program areas: voluntary public service, personal development, physical fitness and expedition/exploration.

Throughout the course of at least 200 hours, Thomas excelled in all four areas. As a gymnast, he set new physical fitness goals to complete high-flying drills on the rings. He also volunteered with D.A. Sokol Gymnastics as an instructor for children ages 3 to 12. In the area of personal development, Thomas expanded his horizons by challenging himself to perform a piano duet with his mother. And to develop a spirit of adventure and discovery, Thomas planned and prepared for a two-day trip to Philadelphia, where he retraced part of our nation’s history by exploring cultural and national landmarks, such as the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.

Congressman Crowley is the nine-term representative from the 14th Congressional District of New York, which includes sections of Queens and the Bronx. He is a member of the powerful Ways and Means Committee and serves as Vice Chair of the Democratic Caucus in the House of Representatives.