

H.CON.RES.90: Authorizing the printing of the 25th edition of the pocket version of the United States Constitution.

Feb 1, 2012 | Bill

Authorizes the printing as a Senate document of the 25th edition of the pocket version of the U.S. Constitution. Prescribes requirements in each chamber for distribution of copies of the printed document for their respective use.

H.RES.496: Adjusting the amount provided for the expenses of certain committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred Twelfth Congress

Feb 1, 2012 | Bill

Adjusts the amount for the expenses of the following House Committees in the 112th Congress:

S. CON. RES. 29: Authorizing the use of the rotunda of the United States Capitol for an event to present the Congressional Gold Medal

Sep 30, 2011 | Bill

Authorizing the use of the rotunda of the United States Capitol for an event to present the Congressional Gold Medal, collectively, to Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. `Buzz' Aldrin, Jr.

Authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center

Sep 19, 2011 | Bill

Authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for an event to award the Congressional Gold Medal, collectively, to the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and the Military Intelligence Service, United States Army, in recognition of their dedicated service during World War II.
