
Territorial Integrity

Respect for territorial integrity - the principle under international law that nation-states should not attempt to promote secessionist movements or to promote border changes in other nation-states, nor impose a border change through the use of force - is a guiding principle among OSCE participating States under Article IV of the Helsinki Final Act of 1975.  It goes hand in hand with Article VIII: equal rights and the principle of self-determination.  

Unfortunately, these principles are often invoked simultaneously, allowing states to disregard one in the name of the other. As a result, independence movements, border disputes, interference, and even invasions and annexation in places such as Kosovo, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transdniestra, Abkhazia, and Georgia, and most recently Ukraine, repeatedly demonstrate that the OSCE still has a vital role to play in resolving territorial disputes. 

While the basis for some of these disputes are quite complicated, others are clear cut, none perhaps more so than the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The views of the Helsinki Commission on the matter are reflected in the U.S. Mission’s statement to the Permanent Council, condemning in the strongest terms “Russia’s continued disregard for its international obligations and commitments which obstructs the path toward a peaceful and united future for Ukraine.” 

Clear Filters

Helsinki Commission Chairman Urges Russia to Cease Blatant Violations of OSCE Principles

Georgia 2008, Ukraine 2014: Is Moldova Next?

Brcko and the Future of Bosnia

U.S. Helsinki Commission Calls for Investigation, Accountability for Terrorist Act in Ukraine Separatist Region

Age of Delirium

Our Impact by Country

Russia: In Transition or Intransigent?

Helsinki Commission Hearing Examines Situation in Moldova


Russia, Georgia, and the Return of Power Politics

Sens. Ben Cardin & Rob Portman: Ukraine Violence Continues

What is the OSCE Doing in Ukraine?

Bipartisan U.S. Delegation Defends Ukraine, Raises Concerns about Russia at OSCE Parliamentary Session

Cardin Praises Bipartisan Unity in Support of Ukraine, Sanctions Against Russia

Bipartisan Congressional Delegation Represents US at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly; Also Visits Ukraine, Czech Republic

Helsinki Commission Urges End to Ongoing Bloodshed In Ukraine

Chechen Parliamentarians

Chairman Smith Urges OSCE Leaders: Respond to Humanitarian Needs in Eastern Ukraine

The Situation in Dagestan

U.S. Helsinki Commission to Hold Hearing on Ukraine

Portman and Cardin Urge the Administration to Provide Needed Military Assistance to Ukraine
