Crowley Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai

Nov 27, 2008 Issues: Foreign Affairs

"My prayers and condolences go out to the people of Mumbai, their friends and families across the world, including many in my district affected by these acts of terrorism. Those responsible for these cowardly attacks will be brought to justice.

"As we have seen over the last 24 hours, terrorism is not a threat to the West alone. This horrific event serves as a wake up call to the global community. We need to come together to fight terrorism at its root -- poverty and autocratic rule. We need to expand international anti-terrorism cooperation, humanitarian efforts and the promotion of democracy world-wide.

"Today, as we give thanks as a nation for our blessings, we must also take a moment to remember Mumbai."

Congressman Crowley is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives and the former chair of the Caucus on India and Indian Americans. As a key leader on South Asian affairs in the U.S. Congress, he helped broker the U.S.-India nuclear pact and has led several Congressional delegation trips to India.