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Congressman John Larson

Representing the 1st District of Connecticut


Larson: "Service Strengthens Our Communities"

April 5, 2016
Press Release

Hartford, CT – Today, Rep. John B. Larson (CT-01) joined Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin and AmeriCorps and SeniorCorps Volunteers for the Mayor and County Day of Recognition for National Service. Nearly 700 AmeriCorps and SeniorCorps volunteers currently serve the city of Hartford, and Larson will soon introduce legislation to expand service opportunities to even more Americans. 

“Only one percent of the nation currently serves in the military, AmeriCorps, VISTA, Teach for America, and countless other service organizations,” said Larson. “A democracy cannot long survive if we defer to the few what is the responsibility of us all. Our cities and communities are strengthened every time we come together—whether to tutor struggling students, combat homelessness, or help our neighbors find jobs. Service makes a real, powerful difference in so many lives, and I applaud our local volunteers for all they have done in Hartford and across Connecticut.

“Because service is vital to our communities, I will soon be introducing the ACTION for National Service Act to support at least one million federal service positions each year. AmeriCorps alone has received over half a million applications—but because of constraints to their resources, they can only accept a small fraction. Young Americans want to improve their communities and their country. We should be rewarding their impulse to serve, not turning them away. My plan would ensure young people who serve full time receive relief from their student loans. If Congress can bail out Wall Street, surely we can do the same for our students.”

America’s Call to Improve Opportunities Now (ACTION) for National Service Act will advance national and community service by elevating the Corporation of National & Community Service to a new Cabinet-level agency and increase opportunities for service across the country.
