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Reported to Senate amended (09/28/2004)

Provo River Project Transfer Act - (Sec. 3) Directs the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the Provo River Water Users Association (Association), ownership of the Provo Reservoir Canal (Canal) in the State of Utah. Conditions such conveyance on the Secretary's acceptance of future arrangements with specified Utah agencies for the operation, ownership, financing, and improvement of the Canal.

Directs the Secretary to convey to the Association ownership of the Pleasant Grove Property in Utah.

Directs the Secretary to: (1) convey to the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake & Sandy (District) in Utah, ownership of the Salt Lake Aqueduct; (2) grant to the District permanent easements to the National Forest System land on which the Salt Lake Aqueduct is located and certain land of the Aqueduct Division of the Provo River Project for the use, operation, maintenance, repair, improvement, or replacement of the Salt Lake Aqueduct by the District; (3) determine the boundaries of such easements; and (4) transfer administrative jurisdiction over certain land of the Aqueduct Division of the Provo River Project to the Secretary of Agriculture.

Requires the Association and the District to pay the Secretary for land conveyed under this Act and for certain costs incurred in making such conveyances. Requires the Secretary to comply with certain environmental and other laws before making land conveyances.

(Sec. 4) Confirms that: (1) certain existing contracts covering lands of the Provo River Project not conveyed under this Act remain in effect; and (2) entities with existing contractual capacity rights to either the Provo Reservoir Canal or Salt Lake Aqueduct may transport Central Utah Project water.

Provides that nothing in this Act impairs any existing contract (including subscription contracts) for the conveyance of water through the Provo Reservoir Canal.

(Sec. 5) Provides that: (1) lands and facilities conveyed under this Act are no longer part of a Federal reclamation project; (2) the Association and the District are no longer entitled to reclamation benefits for conveyed land, except for benefits available to other nonreclamation facilities; and (3) the United States shall not be liable for damages for acts, omissions, or occurrences relating to conveyances under this Act, except for negligent acts committed prior to the date of conveyance.

(Sec. 6) Requires the Secretary to report to Congress on the status of any land conveyances not completed within 18 months after enactment of this Act.