
Federal overreach in education is one of the biggest problems I have worked to resolve in Congress. I have been fighting hard to return control of Utah schools to Utah parents and teachers. Education is extremely important to me. I am a mother with three children enrolled in public schools. I will continue to fight for a strong education system, with local school districts and parents developing curriculum and testing standards. I voted in favor of, and the House passed, H.R. 5 - the Student Success Act, which would reduce the federal footprint in education, gives state and local educators the authority to make important decisions regarding teach quality, accountability, and school improvement, and would increase the control of parents.

The costs of higher education are burdening our students and preventing them from obtaining the education they deserve. I have worked to alleviate some of that burden by voting for H.R. 529 which amended the Internal Revenue Code to exapnd the reach of 529 college savings plans to cover computers and eliminated the possibility for those accounts to be taxed. I introduced H.R. 3372 - the Flexibility to Innovate for College Affordability Act, which will help bring down education costs by encouraging innovation in degree programs and by reducing unneccessary federal regulatory costs to institutions of higher education.


For more information concerning my work and views on Education, please contact my Washington, DC office.
I look forward to your feedback.
Thank you


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    Comments (optional)
    repName Mia Love  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress Utah 4th District Office
    9067 South 1300 West Suite101
    West Jordan, UT 84088
    Phone: 801-996-8729
    Fax: 801-987-8631
    district 4th District of Utah  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2016  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2016  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2016  
    repStateABBR UT  
    repDistrict 4  
    repState Utah  
    repDistrictText 4th  
    SponsoredBills Sponsored Bills  
    CoSponsoredBills Co-Sponsored Bills  
  • Office Locations Push

    Office Name Location Image Map URL
    Washington DC 217 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-3011
    Fax: (202) 225-5638
    Utah 4th District Office
    Serving West Jordan
    9067 South 1300 West Suite101
    West Jordan, UT 84088
    Phone: (801) 996-8729
    Fax: (801) 987-8631
    South Office
    10 Welcome Street
    Tuesdays & Thursdays
    9:00 AM- 11:00 AM