Washington, D.C. – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on H.R. 3457, the Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act:

“There are more than 80 judgments against Iran demanding justice for Americans who have been murdered because of Iranian-supported terrorism, yet Iran refuses to pay the damages. The Obama Administration has likewise refused to demand Iran be held responsible during nuclear negotiations, leaving the victims and their families with no restitution.

“Despite Iran’s refusal to pay for its evil actions, the Obama Administration wants to give Iran massive sanctions relief. That’s wrong. This bill requires Iran to pay back the victims of their terrorism before they get a dime of sanctions relief from us. Representative Patrick Meehan (PA-07) understands what should have been accomplished in these negotiations and knows that there is no reason we should sacrifice justice to the President’s failed political goals. That is why this bill passed with strong bipartisan support.”