Tag Archives: FMCI

Avoiding a Washed-Up Flood Insurance Program

The floods devastating Louisiana will cause millions, if not billions, of dollars’ worth of damage. Homeowners who opted to purchase flood insurance coverage for their property may be able to rely on the National Flood Insurance Program for help. Today … Continue reading

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6 years after Dodd-Frank, Oversight of Financial Services Industry Still Needs Streamlining

Today is the 6th anniversary of the signing of the Dodd-Frank Act. The law made a range of financial reforms meant to help prevent future financial crises. For example, it closed gaps in the oversight of consumer protection and markets … Continue reading

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Will “Hamilton” Win Big? Its Namesake Already Inspired a Lot of GAO Work

Alexander Hamilton has quite the legacy: he was the first Secretary of the Treasury; he created a plan for managing the national debt; and he is now the inspiration behind the Tony Award-nominated musical, Hamilton. In anticipation of this Sunday’s … Continue reading

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Helping Government Help Small Businesses

National Small Business Week recognizes the contributions of American small business owners and entrepreneurs. On the WatchBlog, it’s a time to look at the Small Business Administration—the federal agency that is charged with providing many small businesses with resources and … Continue reading

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Financial Regulatory Structure (podcast)

Over the past 150 years, the U.S. financial regulatory structure has evolved in response to various financial crises and to keep pace with financial markets themselves as they advanced from tickertape to e-trading and beyond. As you can see, the … Continue reading

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Ending “Too Big to Fail”

8 years ago this month, the Federal Reserve bailed out Bear Stearns, preventing it from collapsing. This triggered an unprecedented amount of federal assistance to help stabilize markets—more than $1 trillion in loans and hundreds of billions of dollars of … Continue reading

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GAO Goes to the Oscars

As the Academy Awards ceremony approaches, we’re looking at how our work has Oscar-worthy appeal. And the nominees are…  Preventing a Sequel to The Big Short Using comedy and celebrity cameos, The Big Short reveals the complexities of the 2008 … Continue reading

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Affordable Ways to Save

For many of us, U.S. savings bonds bring back memories of birthday or graduation gifts from grandparents or aunts or uncles. But U.S. savings bonds have also provided Americans with a safe, affordable way to save and invest. We recently … Continue reading

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Small Business Administration Management (podcast)

The Small Business Administration is a small agency with a big mission: help Americans start, build, and grow businesses. But for years, the SBA has struggled to manage its own operations. Listen to Bill Shear, a director in our Financial … Continue reading

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5 Years of Dodd-Frank

It’s been 5 years since Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Act reforming the U.S. financial regulatory system. Since then, we’ve been busy examining almost every aspect of this law and its impacts. Today’s WatchBlog shares a few of our regulatory lessons … Continue reading

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